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醫生的忠告 -H1N1

H1N1跟其他A型流感的病毒一樣,感染部位只限於上呼吸道,並在那繁殖,它的唯一入侵途徑是口鼻喉,這種全球性的流感,幾乎無人能置身事外. 但接觸到H1N1病毒,

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It is really to determine if you are having a swine flue or not. but this is what you need to do for the following. If you are sick with a flu-like illness, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of fever-reducing medicine.) Keep away from others as much as possible. This is to keep from making others sick.

If you can read English, please click on this link What to Do If You Get Flu-Like Symptoms to get more information.

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2009/05 康健雜誌 康健五月份網路專欄


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搶救莫拉克颱風水患線上捐款專線 台灣世界展望會


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Aug. 21 to 21 is the Sales Tax Holiday in Texas. The law exempts most clothing and footwear priced under $100 from sales and use taxes, which could save shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend. School Supplies - New in 2009!

The list of items qualifying for exemption from Texas state and local sales and use taxes during the annual sales tax holiday in August. Effective this year, in addition to clothes, footwear and some backpacks, Texas families also get a sales tax break on most school supplies priced at less than $100 purchased for use by a student in an elementary or secondary school.

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Taiwan's leader takes blame for typhoon response

CISHAN, Taiwan (CNN) -- Taiwan's leader Ma Ying-jeou said Sunday he accepts responsibility for the government's slow response after Typhoon Morakot slammed into the island killing at more than 120 people and unleashing floods, mudslides and misery.

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I really need this to argue with 阿度仔!   

1. Stop complaining! 別發牢騷!

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